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About Backflipt Platform
About Catalog
About Enterprise App Builder
Account Settings
Active Flows
Add a New Flow
Add a New Flow
Add Action Step
Add Assets
Add Business Logic
Add Credentials
Add Data Model
Add File Store
Add New Page
Add Service
Add Style Classes
Add Triggers in a Flow
Add Webhook Event
Analytics Dashboard
App Action Response
App Credentials Dashboard
App File Store
App Session
Apps Used
Assist Modules
Authenticate a Flow
Authenticate a Flow using Basic authentication
Authenticate Integration
Authentication Dashboard
AWS Crypto
Backflipt Platform Documentation Portal
Boolean Condition
Call App Action
Call Flow
Change Password
Configure Flow Input Schema
Configure Tenant Settings
Connect Data With Web App
Connect Data with Web Applications
Copy Flow
Create a New Web Application
Create a Send Message to Particular Channel Service
Create Credential
Create Credential using API Authentication
Create Credential using Basic Authentication
Create Credential using Custom Authentication
Create Credential using DB Connection
Create Credential using O-Auth v2
Create Entity
Create flow using List Helper entity
Create Flow Versions
Create Get channels Service
Create Get Mails Service
Create Integration
Create Operation
Create Tenant
Create User
Create Users
Create Version of the Webhook Event
Creating and Managing Tenants
Creating and Managing Users
Creating Flow
Creating Your First Flow
Creating your First Web App
Credentials Overview
Credentials Overview
Data Storage
Date Time Helpers
DB (Database) Connection
Debug a Flow
Debug a Web Application
Delete Credential
Delete Credentials
Delete Flow
Delete Integration
Deploy and launch app
Deploy and Launch Apps
Design Interactive Pages
Disable Flow
Edit a Flow
Edit Business Logic
Edit Credential
Edit Credentials
Edit Integration
Edit Layout
Enable Flow
Enable Flow
Entities and Operations
Entities Dashboard
Execute a Flow Manually
Export Credential
Export Credentials
Export Flow
Export Integration
Failed Flows Execution
Field Types and Logic in Flows
File Helper
Flow Using Application Trigger
Flow Using Manual Trigger
Flow Using Scheduled Trigger
Flow Using Webhook Trigger
Flows Created
Flows Dashboard
Flows Executed during a Period
Generate API Key for Tenant
GitHub Services and Webhook Events
Glossary Terms
How to Automate Using Flows
How to Automate Using Flows
Http Call 3.0 and Validate URL Entities
Http Client
Import an App
Import Credential
Import Credential
Import Credentials
Import Entity
Import Entity
Import Flow
Import Integration
Import Integration
Import Operation
Import Service
Import Services From Schema
Import Webhook Event
Input Schema
Integrations Dashboard
Introducing Components
Jira Services and Webhook Events
List Helper
List of Available Integrations
Log out
Manage Authentications
Manage Business Logics
Manage Integrations
Manage Schema
Manage Tenants
Manage Users
Manage Users (Edit, Delete, View)
Math Assist
Microsoft Teams Services and Webhook Events
n-prem, Cloud and Hybrid Setup
OneDrive Business Services and Webhook Events
Outlook Mail
Outlook Mail Services and Webhook Events
Output Schema
Platform Overview
Publish and Share
Publish and Share
Refresh Credential
Revoke Credential
Run the Flow
Salesforce Services and Webhook Events
Save as Working Draft
Search Credential
Search Credentials
Search Flow
Search Integration
Service Category
Set User Permissions
Share Flow
Sign in to Backflipt Platform
Signing into Backflipt
Slack Services and Webhook Events
Successful Flow Execution
Text Helper
To Import Service from cURL
To Import Service from File
To Import Service from RAW Text
To Import Service from URL
To Publish and Share a Service
To Publish and Share a Webhook Event
Top 10 Popular Flows
Total Flows Executed
Triggers in Flows
Types of Authentication
Types of Entities
Types of flows
Update User Profile
Use Pre-built Flows from the Catalog
User Roles
User Roles and Permissions
View a Flow
View Credential
View Flow
View Flow
Web Application Customization
Web Applications Dashboard
Web Applications Overview
Welcome to Backflipt Documentation!
What are Entities
What are Web Applications on the Enterprise App Builder?
What is a Flow?
What is an Entity
What is List Helper
Workflow Orchestration or Flow Manager
Workspace and UI Elements
XML Helper
Zoom Services and Webhook Events