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Math Assist

What is Math Assist Entity

The Math Assist entity allows the user to perform various arithmetic operations on the values provided by the user.

Built-in operations in Math Assist Entity

This topic describes the list of operations that can be performed on a Math Assist entity in the Backflipt platform.

Math Assist Operation Description
Add It can be used to perform addition operations on two or more input numbers.
Subtract It can be used to perform subtraction operations on the given numbers.
Multiply It can be used to perform multiplication operations on the given numbers.
Divide It can be used to perform division operations on the given numbers.
Average It can be used to perform average operations on the given numbers.
Remainder It can be used to return the remainder of a division operation.
Median It can be used to return the median or the middle number for the given numbers.
Standard Deviation It can be used to calculate the standard deviation for the given data points.
Variance It can be used to calculate the variance for the given data points.
Round(Ceil) It can be used to round a decimal value to an integer value that is greater than or equal to the current value.
Round(Floor) It can be used to round a decimal value to an integer value that is less than or equal to the current value.
Parse String to Number It can be used to convert a string to a number.

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