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Date Time Helpers

What is Date Time Helpers Entity

The Date Time Helpers entity is a set of operations that can be used to manipulate and format dates and times.

Built-in operations in Date Time Helpers Entity

This topic describes the list of operations that can be performed on a Date Time Helpers entity in the Backflipt platform.

Date Time Helpers Operation Description
Get Current Timestamp It can be used to return the current timestamp in string format.
Parse It can be used to convert the date and time to the specified format.
Format It can be used to convert the given date in the specified format for the prescribed time zone.
Add To Date It can be used to add days, months, years, number of weeks, quarters, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds from a given Date Time.
Minus From Date It can be used to subtract days, months, years, number of weeks, quarters, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds from a given Date Time.
Get Current Time in Millis It can be used to convert the current date time to milliseconds.
Time in Millis for Date It can be used to convert the given date time to milliseconds.
Wait It can be used to delay the execution of workflow for a number of milliseconds.
Convert DateTime TimeZone It can be used to convert the given date in the specified format for the prescribed time zone.
Fetch Time Remaining in Millis It can be used to get the difference in time between the provided data and the data of flow execution in milliseconds.
Fetch Time Remaining in Seconds It can be used to get the difference in time between the provided data and the data of flow execution in seconds.
Minus Two Dates It can be used to get the time between two specific dates.
Minus from date with input format It can be used to get the time difference between two dates in the format provided.
Add to Date with input format It can be used to add the time to a provided date in the required format.
Time in Millis for date with input format It can be used to get the time in milliseconds for a date in a provided format.

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