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List Helper

What is List Helper Entity

A list is a collection of data or objects, and the list helper entity allows you to carry out various operations on the list data, such as adding, searching, and removing items.

Built-in operations in List Helper Entity

This topic describes the list of operations that can be performed on a List Helper entity in the Backflipt platform.

List Helper Operation Description
Add Items It can be used to add items to the existing list.
Count Items It can be used to count the number of items in the list.
Unique Items It can be used to output the unique items within the list.
Flatten It can be used to merge all the sub-lists of a list into a single list.
Join It can be used to output a string by combining all the elements of a list. The elements are separated by the given delimiter.
Zip Object Takes two lists, one for key and the other for value, and creates a key-value pair object out of them. If the two arrays are of different lengths, it will exclude the entries of the longer array.
Group By It can be used to group the data by one of its attributes like say the key. It returns an object consisting of lists grouped by the key.
Rename Keys It can be used to rename all the keys in the list.
Remove Keys It can be used to remove elements from the array corresponding to the specified key.
Filter Keys It can be used to filter a specific element from an array corresponding to the specified key.
Get Last Element It can be used to return the last element of the list.
Index by In the list of groups, the Key provided in the By Path field is used to map each object with the value of the key property in that object.
Cleanup Null or Empty Values It can be used to remove all the empty values or null values from a list.
Remove values It can be used to remove the specified values from a list.

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