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Service Category

The Integration services are categorized into eight types.

Service Category Description


The internal service category services are for the exclusive use of employees within Backflipt platform and are not accessible to anyone outside of the organization.

Token Validation

For all the integrations that support Basic authentication, you need to create a Token Validation service. This service aims to verify the credentials (username and password) of the user.

User ID Mapper

If integration has webhook events, then the user is required to create a User Id Mapper service to identify the user triggering the webhook.

Action Callback Parser

This service is used only for Slack integration. Slack has an interactive message model. Action callback parser services are created to trigger a webhook using actions like ‘Clicking a button’, instead of an event.

Webhook Parser

Webhook parser services are created to structure the JSON response, sent by an external application webhook, compatible with the Backflipt platform. In essence, the webhook JSON response from different applications might have different structures. This Webhook parser is designed to normalize this structure and present it to the Backflipt platform in a uniform structure from across all the applications.

Every Webhook parser event should have four parameters – validRequest, appUserId, event Payload, and eventType.

Webhook Verification

Some of the SaaS applications send a webhook verification request to verify the identity of the user requesting access to the webhook. To handle this verification request and response method, the user should create a Webhook Verification service within that integration.

Token Generation and Token Refreshal

These services should be marked as internal. For applications that use custom authentication methods, the user must create a Token Generation service and Token Refreshal service with parameters like client_id, client_secret, grant_type, and resource.

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